CIBO MATTO was a revelation to me. I was introduced to these two quirky chicks whose first album, Viva! La Woman, released in 1996 had all food related songs. It is a fantastic album that I would recommend to everyone. And as good as that album was, it is their 3rd album, Stereotype A, that really made me a CIBO MATTO fan. Beautiful, interesting, fun and thoughtful.
This particular song, I imagine is being sung out to the universe wondering what has happened to a person that has passed away. What happens to us when our time here is done? I guess we will all find out when our time comes, until then may your life be full and sweet.
This song is good for staring out at the stars, pondering the fate of those that we have lost.
If you liked this then give the artists Esthero and Luscious Jackson a try.
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