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Bye Beneco - Chemirocha

I randomly came across this song by Bye Beneco and thought it was a fun, upbeat song. It also reminded me of Latin music that I like that takes older rhythms, melodies, beats and gives them a modern twist.

Because I liked the song, I then went and watched the video. In the video, I see that they are referencing Frida Kahlo. This lead me to think that the band is from somewhere in South America, Brazil, Costa Rica, or Colombia but I was totally off. This is a South African band.

So, then curiosity took me down a rabbit hole. First, to the comment section of the video. I'm seeing people post that this was their grandmother's music, that this is traditional music, that this band is cosplaying. Hum, more curious. Lucky for me, one of the comments linked to a video about the history of the song.

From that video, I learned is that this song is about American singer Jimmie Rogers. What in the world does an American singer who was famous in the 1920-30's have to do with an African song created in the 1950's? Turns out that the music of Jimmie Rogers was played for the Kalenjin Peoples of Kenya by missionaries. This and other events (which you should watch the history video for) led to people writing a song about Jimmie Rodgers being a half-man half-animal. And now years later this band doing this remixed interpretation.

I do have to thank the The Singing Wells project because it is their work and video that taught me about this songs history.

But now this song has me thinking about cultural appropriation. Should we leave traditional things in the past? Is that the best way to honor them? Or are they honored by being brought forward to the present? Sometimes, I feel that if it is not done on purpose to harm someone, that it is fine. But what if it does harm someone? What if it hurts someone to hear something that they've known their whole lives being shared in a different way or by people who do not know the history? What is the right way to bring newness to traditional things or should they stay untouched?

All this to say, that it is complicated. Yet, I really like the song. It has a great beat. It is fun and cute. What do you think?

This song is good for following the historical thread of a song to learn about our past.


If you liked this then give the artists Bomba Estereo and Chancha Via Circuito a try.

Let me know what you think about this song by leaving a comment and if you have song that you'd like recommend, send it over through the request page.

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